BlizzCon® 2018 – Hearthstone: What’s Next?


This presentation (layout and formatting) was designed in PowerPoint by me.
Creative input and content guidance provided by Liv Breeden (Associate Game Designer) and Peter Whalen (Principal Game Designer), Ben Thompson (Art Director) and Christina Mikkonen (Senior Community Manager).

A 59-slide deck, this was only my second major foray into large-scale presentation design. While I find many things, especially color/text framing to be successful, character features and how they’re highlighted definitely leaves something to be desired, and was a learning experience applied to future designs.






Live Presentation Recording

Presenter credit:


Presentation PDF

» If the window is cutting off the content, click the arrows at the bottom-center to open “full-screen mode” – then escape to reset. «

Unfortunately, animations, slide transitions and embedded videos have been stripped out due to PDF formatting, but let me assure you… it was awesome.


Additional materials associated with the project can be found here: